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Mobile Application UX/UI


The app that will keep you
safe on your way home

לוגו מון.png


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Enter your destination and view the route from the starting point.
How would you like to reach the destination?
How would you like to be escorted?
And which women of the community will accompany you?
You can warn of distress with the SOS button - 
hopefully you won't need it,

let us know that you arrived safely to your destination

What & For Whom?

Have you ever felt scared when
you are alone on your way home?

אווטרים של קהל יעד.png

A women's community joins together to accompany
women of all ages when they feel alone and afraid


42 females answered , and here are the results:



Scared when they walk alone at night
on the way to their destination



Find importance in

a community of
women who will

help each other



Are ashamed to share their fear
with their friends and families



Find in this platform

an opportunity to

meet women who

are afraid of the

same things



Not sure that the police will arrive
in time to help  them



Experienced harassment

on their wayto

their destination

Brand Book

light up the darkness

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SOS Button

To activate the emergency mode, simply drag the icon located on the upper right
side of the screen and place it in the center.
The purpose of this button is to be easily accessible at any point during
the process of entering the starting point and destination details.
It's designed to function seamlessly and not draw any unnecessary attention.

Only after the user confirms the activation of the emergency button,
a call will be placed to the designated emergency contact person,
along with an alert and the user's location. Additionally,
the person who chose to accompany the user will also
receive the same alert and location information.


Registration Process

The registration process is a particularly important element for the application.
The goal is to create a safe female community, the details and user identity are a top value.
Therefore, it is required to verify each registration with one of the females of the community in order to begin.

Our welcome page
Explanation of the application and,  confirmation of transfer of personal details when necessary.


Explanation of the navigation bar.

סרגל 1.png


סרגל 2.png
הסבר 1.png
סרגל 3.png

Entering personal details.


הסבר 4.png

Explanation for a conversation with one of the community users

הסבר 5.png




Similar But Not The Same

App called SafeUp
It seems that in the SafeUp application, you can only interact with
girls who have been defined as your friends, and there is no way to search
for other participants on the application. Furthermore,
if your friends are not available, there is no way to get an answer,
especially in a distressing situation when you need to press the SOS button.

To address this issue, I propose a feature that provides
more accurate information about the availability and progress of users
who have agreed to be with you for as long as you need them,
without any status limitations. Additionally, this feature includes a distress
alert for both the users and the emergency contact you have entered,
to maximize the help available to you.

דוגמא לאפליקציה דומה - מסכים.png


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User Flow

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